Aquarium Advice
Ensure your aquarium is in good condition and that the water quality meets the following standards as set out by OATA (Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association)
- Ammonia: max 0.02mg/l
- Nitrate: max 75mg/l
- Nitrite: max 0.05mg/l
- Ensure aquarium lights are turned off. Do not turn them back on for at least one hour after introducing fish
- Float sealed bag in the aquarium for 10 minutes to allow the water temperature to equalise
- Open the bag gently and roll down the sides allowing the bag to slowly fill up with the aquarium water (about 30 minutes)
- If possible, remove new fish with a net and discard the water in the bag – care should be taken to release as little water from the bag as possible
- Monitor the new fish and the water quality regularly for at least a week.
- Check that the filter and all other life support systems are working correctly
- Enjoy your new fish!!