Articles for the Month of June 2017

How To Move House with an Aquarium

Stage 1 : Start by taking down the aquarium last when packing, and putting it up first on arrival. This will minimise the time your fish have to spend in overcrowded containers and poor water conditions.

Hopefully, you will have an opportunity to inspect your new home and select a good location for the aquarium prior to actually having to move.

Remember, when you are looking at the new location, to keep in mind that you will want access to electrical outlets, you will want to be close to a source of water, you will want to minimise or eliminate the exposure to direct sunlight, you will want to provide sufficient space for the tank and all of its accessories, and you will want to be sure that the floor you are setting the tank on will support the weight nicely.

Stage 2: Take as much of the water from your fish tank as reasonably possible with you. This will minimise the stress on your fish, as they will be able to get used to the new water chemistry slowly over the course of several weeks as you do your regular  10-15% weekly water changes. An easy way to do this is to get several clean five gallon buckets or containers.

Drain water from the tank into these buckets until the buckets are about two-thirds full. If you do not have lids for your buckets, plastic grocery bags often will fit snugly and prevent your water from splashing while still allowing air to get in so that your fish and plants can breathe.

Stage 3 : Pull out all of your decorations and place them in spare buckets or boxes for the trip. Carefully inspect each piece to make sure you do not have any fish or animals hiding inside a hole in a rock or a hollow in a castle.
Remove live plants from the tank and place them in a bucket or two of water for the trip.

Catch the fish from your tank, and place them in one of the buckets (if you have a lot of fish or if your fish are large or particularly aggressive, you may need to split them between buckets). Take an inventory of your fish to make sure you have caught everyone and aren’t leaving any behind in the aquarium.

Stage 4 : Be sure to drain as much of the water from your tank as you can – even a small volume of water in your tank can cause the bottom to crack or shatter when the tank is tipped or twisted. With larger tanks, you may also want to remove the gravel from the tank to prevent its weight from breaking your tank bottom when you move the tank. Five gallon buckets also work well for hauling gravel.

Remember, the more water you can bring with you when you move, the easier the trip will be on your finned friends.
Get the fish in their tank promptly when you arrive.

Stage 5 : Set up the heater, filters, and pumps. Remember, don’t plug in or turn on heaters or pumps when they do not have water to cool them, or you may cause damage or injury to yourself or your fish.
Then return the gravel to the tank if you removed it. After you have replaced the gravel , you should begin filling the tank with the water from your buckets. As you fill the tank, place your decorations carefully into the aquarium and plant your plants.

Get as much water as you can back into the tank, then net the fish out of their bucket and gently release them into your tank. Once the fish are in the aquarium, add that water to the tank. You may have to top off your tank with dechlorinated tap water from your new home.

Stage 6 : Once the tank is filled and the fish and decorations have been introduced, let the tank sit for at least half an hour so that temperature can equalize before you turn on the heater.
Once everything is up and running, remember to check the aquarium frequently over the next couple of days to make sure it is running smoothly.

Should this be too daunting for you – Aquamacs offer a removal service – we take all the stress out of aquarium removals – fully insured and DEFRA licensed.
Give us a call –

Tel: 07761 650932

New Column Acrylic Aquarium Install

Here are a couple of photos from another new Aquarium install this year.

This is for a nursery in London and is one of our very popular column acrylic aquariums.
As you can see the nursery has put on extra stickers and information so that the aquarium is educational as well as fun for the children to look at.

We love it!

column acrylic aquariums