Aquamacs have supplied and designed stress free aquarium solutions for the BBC, Channel 4, Sky TV, Hotels, Offices, Nursing Homes, Dentists, Exhibitions, Restaurants and Private Homes.
Call us now to see what we can do for you…
Cold water set up Requires less equipment. Fish are normally Koi Carp, Goldfish, Moors, Fantails, Orandas or Shubunkins.
Tropical fresh water set up The most popular, and very striking. There are both tropical plants and fish in an amazing array of shapes, sizes, and colours.
Marine set up Considered the ultimate aquarium, playing host to stunning fish, hard and soft corals and invertebrates from all over the world. Where possible we would endeavour to source UK bred fish and UK grown corals.
Wall Mounted Aquariums Require no floor space and become living pictures. Column Aquariums. Require little floor space and are normally made in acrylic, which is stronger, lighter and clearer than glass.
Glass Aquariums Most cost effective for regular shapes and is more scratch resistant than acrylic. There are basically 3 different standard shapes of aquariums. Each shape can have a few variations.
- Rectangular – which can be bow fronted or corner shaped
- Column – which can be circular, or with 6, 8 or 12 sides
- Round – which come in different sizes but usually small scale.
- However we can make to measure almost any shape you require.